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3-room house for sale in Subotica, €30,000, 146 m2


€ 30,000


3-room house for sale in Subotica, €30,000, 146 m2

House for sale in Kelebija, the northernmost settlement in Serbia. The house is located 7 km from the city center and 4 km from the Hungarian border. It consists of 1 smaller bedroom and two larger ones, one of which is a walk-through, kitchen, pantry, hallway, bathroom and 2 nicely decorated auxiliary rooms with a separate entrance that can be converted into more rooms. Water is a drilled well, sewage is septic tank, three-phase electricity, central electric heating. Papers are in order with 1 owner.

The property is freehold. You can easily get a residence permit in Serbia for owning a property and you can bring your family along. Serbia is an EU candidate county so you could become an EU resident with this move. Assistance in applying for residency can be arranged.

Contact info:
+381621633145, Viber, WhatsApp
WeChat (free_spirit_carefree)
[email protected]


Property ID: 57589

Floor area:
146 m²
No. of bedrooms:
3 Bedrooms




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Private Seller
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