Cheap Property for Sale
7,193 properties below €50,000 in 85 countries


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the procedure for posting my property for sale on your website?

a. Register

Click on “my ads” and follow the link to register. Fill the form to create your account. After you received an email from us and verified your email address you will be able to login to your account.

b. Add your property for sale

Simply click on “Add Property” and you will be able to fill a form with all the details of your property including the upload of the main picture for your property.
Your property advert will be immediately online.

Q2. How can I add more photographs to my property for sale?

Once your property is added you will be able to see it in your account (click on “my ads”). On the right hand side you will see a few links, click on “Property Pic”, you will be able to upload up to 100 pictures.

Q3. I’m an estate agent how can I change my picture/logo?

Go into your account (click on  “my ads”) and then on “My Profile”. You will be able to change the details of your profile including the upload of a new picture/logo.

Q4. Are there any fees or charges to use your services?

Our Services are totally free of charge. We will not charge you to publish any amount of ads, for any alterations you may want to make or after you sell your property.

Q5. How many properties can I post on your website?

Users can post an unlimited amount of properties.

Q6. How can I see how much interest was generated from my property ad?

Go into your account (click on  “my ads”), under the main picture of your property ad you can see “Total Views”, this will give you an indication of how many people saw your ad. On “Queries” you will be able to see the enquiries people did about your property. Always someone makes an enquiry about your property you will get all information of the enquiry by email.

Q7. Someone enquired about my property for sale in another language. What can I do?

Automatic translators play an essential role in enabling global communication. We decided to use Google Translate to show our website in many other languages. That’s why it can happen that a person enquires about your property in another language. To translate the enquiry you can simply click on the words “Google Translate” on the top right hand corner of our website. This will bring you to the Google Translate website.
Please note: This is an automatic translation service to help users to get a quick idea of the content. However, it is not equivalent to a professional translation.

Q8. Someone offered to pay more for my property than I asked for but I have to meet this person in another country. What should I do?

We recommend stopping all communications with this person.
Please note: We only provide the service to publish your property adverts; we decline all responsibility for problems that could arise between you and the enquirer.

We also recommend that you discontinue communications with the enquirer if he/she:

  • doesn’t want to travel to see the property or asks you to come and see him
  • wants to buy the property for a higher price than asked
  • wants to know your bank details or to wire funds via money transfer services
  • wants to pay in advance

Q9. Can I adjust the location of my properties on the Google map?

We found that many of our site users search for properties directly on the map; therefore we'd like to encourage every user to adjust the location of their properties on the Google map provided in the "Edit Property Form" if not already done.

You can do so by logging into your account and go to your  “my ads” section, click on the link "Edit". This will bring you to the "Edit Property Form". On the very end of that form you'll see a Google map, simply drag and drop the little icon in the map to the location of your property and click the orange submit button.

We believe that this will increase the views of your property ad.

Q10. Can I add a youtube video to my real estate add?

Yes you can. Simply go to your video in youtube and click on "share", it will open a box where you click on "embed". Please enter the width 330px and copy the embed code. It should look something like this: <iframe  width="330" height="253"...

Go into your account (click on  “my ads”) and then on edit. You can paste the embed code into the box where it says "Details" - just before or after the text for your property ad and submit.

Q11. I bought a Bump up - Shouldn’t My Ad Stay at the Top?

Buying a Bump up will bring your advertisement right to the top of our default search results ('Best results'). The effect becomes active instantly after the payment is done.

However, when new ads are posted or other customers also Bump Up their ads your ad will be pushed down. If the site is busy this can happen within milliseconds. But don’t worry: Your ad will still be closer to the top than it was before.

Q12. Some properties here seem too good to be true. What can potential buyers do to safeguard their wellbeing and prevent being scammed?

As we have no way to check the authenticity of an advertised real estate, we recommend caution before giving sensible information to anyone you don’t know. This is standard online practise.

We recommend that you discontinue communications with the seller/landlord if he/she:

  • asks for rent payments or deposits in advance
  • seller claims to be unavailable and insists on payment before you can inspect the property
  • seller is very interested to get all your personal data

Please see our blog post about this topic