This temporary quarantine made many people think about their values and goals in life as well as their work situation and their homes.
Although, this isolation is only temporary, life itself has always and will continue to change.
Our social interactions will be different for months, if not years to come. Our economies will eventually grow again, but the way we do business will have progressed. This is true for real estate as well.
Next time I like to quarantine on a tropical island…
One thing is certain, everybody needs a place to live, therefore real estate will always be needed. As much as everybody would like to improve their homes to be able to quarantine in style in case this happens again, it has to be considered that the financial situation of most people changed. Therefore, the housing market needs to adapt. Cheap real estate will be needed more than ever before. “Cheaper” meaning more cost effective.
This of course can mean that people have to downsize or reconsider what they really need in their home – simply back to the basic needs.
“Cheaper” doesn’t mean uglier
It’s true that many houses for sale that are on the lower end of the price range don’t look too good. But to be honest most of them only need a little bit of TLC and they can be a cosy home.

How can real estate agents adapt to this new situation?
You as a realtor can continue to do what you are really good at – be there for your clients and understand what they need in their circumstances. This is a new situation for all of us and for some it may be hard to adapt. Maybe some can’t picture themselves in a smaller, simpler home.
Whatever step someone needs to take, you can be there to help and make this a good experience.
What exactly does this mean?
You have to think outside the box, but yourselves in the buyer’s shoes. It maybe time to rethink how real estate deals where done in the past and see new ways that can make the whole process simpler, more time effective and more cost effective.
Will you go with the flow, let the waves take you wherever they go, or will you build a ship and go your own way?
Pick your boat and get on your way.
What is your idea of real estate after quarantine? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.