Here you can see all cheap properties in Europe on a map. That makes it easy to locate the hotspots for cheap property in Europe. The question is: How much is cheap?
For us, we thought below 20,000 Euro is really cheap. Therefore we created a map with real estate that is priced at 20k Euro or less.

Of course you can also see them as a list and sort them by the cheapest to see the cheapest houses in Europe:
If you are looking to invest a little bit more we also have a map with properties below 50,000 Euro.

And again, you can see those in a list as well and find the cheapest homes in Europe:
And we have another map with real estate for 99,000 Euro or less.

And here is the link to the list:
If you have a bigger budget you can also see more properties in Europe here:
We currently have more than 1,800 properties for sale in Europe.
Do you also have a property for sale? You can list it on our website for free and it will be added on the map!
Considering the price/value ratio, I would recommend Prague. Sure you can get cheaper properties. But cheaper property in a location like that? Maybe in Talinn, but considering the comfortable location, big int. airport etc…